Happy 38th to me! Friday Link Roundup 6/7

Tomorrow is my 38th birthday! OMG. I am officially getting very close to 40. I can feel it. If I do nothing else, I promise I will enjoy the next two years of being able to say I am still in my 30s. Anyways, in honor of 38 - this week's Link Roundup is going to be a bit different.

I was inspired by Joy the Baker's recent 38th birthday post (which is a great read!) And will share some of my blog posts showing my personal growth (hopefully!) over the last 10 years (since I started this blog.)

This was the first post that I ever labeled "life" - and it's about "How to Save the Day by Starting Over." It makes me laugh a little bit since it was before I had kids. Like what did I know about a hard day in 2010? Nothing. But I'm glad I found it and shared it then - because I could actually use it now.

My 30 by 30 list. SMH. I only actually did 11 of these things. But a few things I did do - I got married at 29 - bought my first house at 30 - had kid one at 31 and kid two at 33.

Motherhood lent to a lot of posts -- I reflected on life after just one month with Lucille and it all seems like a lifetime ago. And then a four month review - which kind of makes fun of my one month review. And I talk about my favorite hair ties (that I still LOVE). And then a six month review - where I even say "She's going to be in Kindergarten before I know it." And she's graduating Kinder NEXT week.

Rereading this one is a nice reminder to enjoy mornings more often.

When I wanted to change my blog name (but didn't).

The big announcement about kid two.

One of my most read blog posts about all the changes doctors want you to make with your baby at the one year mark.

And I quit my day job.

Reminding myself to slow down - which I should read again and again. I only blogged 4 times in 2015! I think I was getting in the routine of working for myself and being a momma. It still is HARD to find time to blog.

Reflecting on working for myself after two years. The ups and downs are pretty much still the same at the almost 5 year mark.

And 10 years of blogging!

Phew! It was fun to go through and read all of those. I'm sure I'll come back to this post and laugh and smile in another few years. It's nice to have this little record of our lives.

Happy 38 to me!

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