#200! And the intro to MY 30 Before 30 list...

Happy #200 post for me!

I have found a bit of inspiration out in the blogosphere - The Chiconomist is doing a "30 before 30 Project" which has inspired me to put together my own list of 30 things I'd like to do before I turn 30. Here is its debut. Friends, if you want to join me in any of these adventures... please let me know!

Some of these I pulled off my already compiled list over at 43 Things.

#1 - Ride a Hot Air Balloon

#2 - See the Northern Lights

#3 - Apply to be on the board for a Non-profit

#4 - Take Cello Lessons

#5 - Get out of Debt

#6 - Go on a Road Trip with No Predetermined Destination

#7 - Host a Fancy Dinner Party for at least 6 people

#8 - Take a Photography Class

#9 - Go to the Grand Canyon

#10 - Lose 10 pounds

#11 - Go Rock Climbing (outdoors)

#12 - Watch shooting stars from the back of Jonny's pick-up

#13 - Take my Mom on a unique train ride

#14 - Fly a Kite on the Beach

#15 - Beat Jonny in Scrabble (highly unlikely)

#16 - Master the art of poached eggs

#17 - Finish my knitting project

#18 - Go for a Helicopter ride

#19 - Start writing

#20 - Sew a tablecloth and some napkins (can't be that hard can it?)

#21 - Finish all my dental work (I know this one sucks, but I really want it done)

#22 - Learn how to make a great Cappuccino

#23 - Go on the zip line at Moaning Cavern

#24 - Take a public speaking class

#25 - Find a place to become an active volunteer

#26 - Plant my Rangpur Lime tree (who knew it would take so long!)

#27 - Start an Herb Garden

#28 - Make and sell something on Etsy (maybe the tablecloth/napkins? see #20)

#29 - Submit a photo to National Geographic - Your Shot

#30 - Make homemade ice cream.

Whew. Ok. So what do you think? Anything I'm missing? Anything anyone wants to do with me?
I'll give you periodic updates...

Photo from: bfick

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