Friday Fixation: Unclutterer

The majority of the time I feel like there is more to do around my house then I can handle. Mind you, I only have a small one bedroom one bath duplex - but I still manage to overwhelm myself. Luckily, I have a very helpful fiance - and he takes care of a lot of the things I feel too busy for.

Still - I love finding a good blog to help me find ways to rearrange and unclutter my life. That's where the Unclutterer comes in. I have been getting better at the money managing portion of my life... I'm almost out of debt and I'm getting better at following the chart (from "Your Money: The Missing Manual") to the left that now makes perfect sense to me.

The link on Unclutterer that helped me this time though, is a link to "How to Get Back into Your Routine After a Break." Luckily, I did the first step before I left for my Portland trip (which was awesome and I'll report more on later) and the rest of it was easy to follow. And helpful.

So I thought I'd share this site with you - as everyone is busy these days and sometimes just needs a little help. Or at least needs to know that their are other people struggling with the same things.

Hope everyone has a great Easter weekend!

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