Now Here's an Idea: Concord Free Press

A free book in return for donating to a charity? This sounds like an awesome idea. Over at Concord Free Press you just agree to donate to a cause you believe in, log it at their site and promise to pass the book on so others can continue to enjoy it.

The current book is IOU "a multi-genre collection of new writing about money" with works from some great authors such as Augusten Burroughs (author of Sellevision) and Mona Simpson (her new book My Hollywood is suppose to be great.)

Since it lists on the homepage who gave how much and where - its also a great way to discover new charities and places to give if you need a little help with that.

You can also check out past giveaways.

I think my first donation for a book is going to be to the Epilepsy Foundation. Let me know if any of you decide to participate too!

Books by Authors mentioned above:

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