Menu Plan Monday: 3/19

I cannot believe a whole week went by and I had no time for blog posts. Hopefully, this week will be different. We had a great weekend visiting with friends and family. It wasn't that healthy of a weekend... and this isn't the healthiest meal plan - but I guess it will be ok in moderation. Again, I'm trying to only make one meal for us and the kids. Which means I'm not trying as many unusual, veggie-heavy meals as I would normally.

Here is the plan for this week:

Monday: Mac n Cheese (adding ham and peas) with salad on the side
Tuesday: Taco Tuesday
Wednesday: Greek School night
Thursday: pizza night (maybe Apple Gorgonzola for the grown-ups)
Friday: Spaghetti Pie from Deceptively Delicious
Saturday: Taquito Salad
Sunday: Roasted Chicken and mashed potatoes

Hope you have a great week. If you want to look through more meal plans - checkout

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