Missing Out

In full disclosure this post has no advice in it. I am purely writing for my own well being and so that others know life is very rarely easy. For anyone. 

Last week was a bit of a difficult one for us. Gus had ANOTHER breathing episode where we had to use the nebulizer a lot over a few days. He woke up a lot at night having trouble breathing and waking everyone else up too. All he wants to do is run and play and jump and laugh but all those things flare up his breathing problems so we tried hard to keep him as low key as you can keep a two year old. (Which really isn't low key.)

I had a busy few work days because I was trying to get ahead for next week for a few reasons - so I spent a lot of time looking at the computer screen or my phone. After 3 full days working and worrying about Gus and not really sleeping well - Thursday afternoon I ended up with horrible migraines and auras - to the point of feeling sick to my stomach. So I ended up missing out on the First Twilight Thursday at the Zoo. Jonny took the kids himself (super dad!)

Also, since Jonny had to use a sick day on Monday to stay home and help with sick Gus - he couldn't miss work on Friday to go to Lucille's school for her Father's Day lunch. Luckily for us, my dad went instead - which Lucille loved.

Anyways, the point is it felt like we had a really long week and we didn't really spend it doing what we really wanted to. We instead spent it missing out - one way or another.

So here's to Monday. Taking a deep breath and hoping that this week ends up being more cohesive and full of fun, healthy, loving moments.

Also, if you haven't tuned in yet to my previous podcast recommendation of One Bad Mother - I again, HIGHLY recommend it. It is so nice to hear other moms dealing with similar situations.

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