Friday Fixation: A Thoughtful Edition

A few things have been on my mind lately. They are such different ideas one macro and one micro - but both important to me.  First, and the big one: these Syrian refugees. My heart breaks at every story. It makes me want to do something. The second is the smaller one - that really mostly impacts me and my family: positive discipline. We are getting to a place with Lucille that she really does know right from wrong and sometimes chooses wrong. On purpose. I want her to be strong-willed and opinionated. I just also, want her to also be safe and healthy.

My links for today are going to really be on these two topics.

This video. I'm sure you've seen it. But watch it again.

German girl welcomes Syrian refugee girl in a sweet way

Finding Joy might be my new favorite blog. Here is a sample.

Mom Life photo series... is hilarious. Oh, and I've totally had a pot on my head in the last week. Well, maybe it was a colander.

Positive Discipline in 52 weeks. I've worked on week one... and I'm starting week two. I love that this is a slow process. Not a list of 52 things you need to change today. Great for parents who just want some guidance.

Encouraging things to say to kids -- a list. Pick a few and add them to your repertoire.

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