The Mantra of the Successful

Every once in a while there is an article I find so helpful that I want to share. This one, I wanted to print out and read every morning. The 9 Beliefs of Remarkably Successful People provides some great suggestions on more helpful ways to look at your approach to business. Here they are:

1.) Time doesn't fill me. I fill time.
2.) The people around me are the people I chose.
3.) I have never paid my dues.
4.) Experience is irrelevant. Accomplishments are everything.
5.) Failure is something I accomplish. It doesn't just happen to me.
6.) Volunteers always win.
7.) As long as I'm paid well, it's all good.
8.) People who pay me always have the right to tell me what to do.
9.) The extra mile is a vast, unpopulated wasteland.

If you want to know the extra details - check out the article. What do you think? Do you agree with these? Any that you'd like to start believing?

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