30 before 30 Current Project: Start an Herb Garden

One of my 30x30 list items was start an herb garden (#27) and I found just the thing to inspire me.

The Italian Herb Garden Markers available at the Etsy store Mon Petit Chou Boutique would be perfect for my starter herb garden. These are all herbs I commonly use in cooking so we'll see how easy they are to grow. I might get some interesting variations though.

Here's some I'm considering:

Sacred Green Basil
Greek Oregano
English Thyme
Green River Parsley

UPDATE: So I started this post pre-christmas and one of my most loyal blog readers (my sister) got me a few things to help out with my 30x30 list. One of them being this awesome calendar with herb seeds attached in the appropriate planting month. So she gave me a push in the right direction. Now I'll just buy these spoons and get started!

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