
I've been busy reading (both on and off my kindle) - so I thought I'd update my list of books I've read so far this year. The last update I had just finished book #9 - so I'll start from there.

Harry Potter & the Half Blooded Prince (Book 6)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7)
Mennonite in a Little Black Dress
James Potter and the Halls of Elder's Crossing (Fan Fiction)
James Potter and the Curse of the Gate Keeper (Fan Fiction)
The Girl on the Dock (A Dark Fairy Tale)
What the Dickens: The Story of a Rouge Tooth Fairy

So that brings my list up to 18. And if I had to recommend just one of the above books - it would be Freckles. I had never heard of this book or Gene Stratton-Porter before - but saw some reviews on Good Reads and downloaded it for free onto my Kindle. It was great.

Anyways - so that's my list so far. And I am taking recommendations - so leave me a comment.

Image of Lady Bird Johnson reading to school children from the U.S. National Archives

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