Off to the Market...

One thing I love about the Summer is all the farmer's markets around town. I think there is one almost everyday. Wednesday at lunch I can head over to the farmers market at Ceasar Chavez Park, like I did today.

But the Sunday market under the freeway at X Street is by far the best - as I am sure anyone in Sacramento can tell you. You can get everything and it is cheaper then the store and so fresh! The meat there is amazing, and is from farms that supply meat to some of the best restaurants in Sacramento.

So all of this, just to share with you something that I am longing for. This Eco-Friendly Market Basket. I found it over at Creature Comforts and decided it would work quite well for my farmer's market shopping. It's only $20 - so I think I'll wait for a Container Store coupon and then purchase.

P.S. Anyone want to go to the Farmer's Market on Sunday??


  1. I do! So long as you don't want to meet up too early...

  2. Ok! You let me know when. Normally I go after I take Jonny to work. But I could really go whenever.
